Sacriston Academy - 99

Year 3

Our fantastic Year 3 topics cover new and diverse topics that some of us have lots of prior knowledge on!

English will be taught using a range of stimulating and topic-based texts. Reading and studying various genres, including poetry, fiction and non-fiction books, will support children in developing their imagination and creativity in writing. Handwriting is also a big focus for us this year in order to develop our confidence and fluency in class.

Reading in Year 3 is taught daily to focus on deepening their reading understanding. A range of stimuli will be used to engage the children to apply their reading skills, such as inference, deduction and justifying their answers or opinions. 

Children are encouraged to read at home as often as possible, through their own choice of authors and genres from our extensive library, which increases their vocabulary and spelling skills tadd to the valuable work that we carry out in class. All children in Key Stage 2 read for 20 minutes a day and have the opportunity to quiz on their book and change their book based on their achieved level.

In maths, we are enjoying the ‘Maths No Problem’ scheme. This approach builds children’s mathematical skills alongside their thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills. There are many parts to our lessons, allowing time for children to explore, discuss and develop a range of methods to solve questions and achieve a greater depth of mathematical understanding. We will also continue to practise our times tables to help prepare us for the times table test in Year 4!

The summer term

In our Emperors and Empires topic, Roman history will guide us as we look at civilian life, beliefs, food, war and fame. We will reinforce our knowledge of timelines and look at impact of their customs, ingenuity and failures to see what Roman history has led to in modern day Britain. Boudicca will be sure to surprise us all! patterns around the world. Could our new knowledge and inspiring ideas help us to create a fantasy city that is economically and ecologically viable for all its inhabitants?

Find full curriculum information and knowledge organisers here.

What the teacher says:

The Spring term of Year 3 is such an exciting time! By now, children are settled into Key Stage Two and are eager to show off their true abilities. We still have a lot to learn but I’m confident Year 3 will continue to impress!
Miss Burton
“The Year 3 teachers are really kind and help us learn lots of interesting things!” – Holly “I like Year 3 because the learning if fun but an exciting challenge!” - Orryn “Year 3 is excellent because of the amazing lessons which help us learn. We have lots of fun!” – Lucas