English lessons are based around rich and engaging texts covering a wide range of genres. Through the study of such genres, the children will gain an invaluable collection of skills to embed within their own writing. This foundation, alongside regular grammar, spelling and handwriting lessons, is the perfect combination to further enhance English skills and knowledge.
Reading in Year 4 is taught daily to focus on deepening their reading understanding. A range of stimuli will be used to engage the children to apply their reading skills, such as inference, deduction and justifying their answers or opinions.
Children are encouraged to read at home as often as possible, through their own choice of authors and genres from our extensive library, which increases their vocabulary and spelling skills to add to the valuable work that we carry out in class. Each child in Year 4 will receive a reading book which will be matched to their ability. From this, the children will gain a deeper understanding of the texts. All children in Key Stage 2 read for 20 minutes a day and have the opportunity to quiz on their book and change their book based on their achieved level.
Our maths scheme, ‘Maths No Problem’ is a real hands-on approach to maths, with children using practical equipment to represent, replicate and solve problems. With a variety of different stages to the lessons, the children are able to develop a wide range of skills, including the ability to achieve a greater understanding of maths.
The Autumn term
During Autumn 2, children will continue to explore Mountains and Rivers in their Geography lessons. Children will learn about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges from around the world. They will also explore the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them. In Science, pupils will begin their new topic of Animals and Humans. They will learn the basic parts and functions of the digestive system and the different types of human teeth. In RE, children will learn a key part of the story of the Buddha in his dedication to meditation and a mindful approach. In PHSE, children will explore the topic ‘Celebrating Differences’ and the concept of judging others by their appearance or first impressions. Year 4 will continue to learn how to play the ukulele in their music lessons.